Days 29 – 32 ~ Anchorage, Alaska

We are at the halfway point of our tour!

More  beautiful scenery on the way to Anchorage.

And more great memories. Anchorage is where we stayed our last night in Alaska before we got on the ship for our anniversary cruise. Larry and I drove downtown where we stayed but I can’t remember exactly which hotel that we stayed at. I have pictures from the balcony so I know the building was pretty tall. My best guess is the Sheraton, but who knows.

The first day in Anchorage was pretty uneventful. We used the time to catch up on life. Ran errands, paid bills. I got a hair cut and pedicure. Nothing exciting.

Our second day I went to Paint-A-Scarf Alaska. The artist who teaches the class (and her husband) live in an incredible cabin on a creek. Just the scenery was worth the drive. Larry went to Wasilla to see the Elks Lodge campground and took the truck in to find out why its computer said we had a tail light out, but we didn’t. Fun fact: We did. The light in the middle back of the cab was out, but we didn’t notice.

We also rode the aerial tram at Alyeska. It was pretty overcast and cloudy, the pictures didn’t turn out very well.

I think I’m going to find all the synonyms for beautiful and post one picture for each of them. Still amazing.