Days 51 – 52 ~ Tok and Destruction Bay

Throwaway Days

If there is such a thing in Alaska. Its just that everything is SO FAR AWAY. And we may not be on the most efficient paths. The caravan is arranged to maximize the experience and to see as much of everything that there is to see. So, three days and two stops to Skagway. The worst part is having to go across the border, AGAIN. I’m getting tired of Canadians asking me if we have any guns!

In looking back at the pictures, we didn’t take one picture from Valdez to Tok. This could be that we were tired (which we were) or that we had to use both hands to hold on because the road was terrible (which it was).

But from Tok to Destruction Bay, well, that was another story. The road was somewhat better. Maybe because we were going slower, we saw a bear and a bull moose! We’ve seen both before, but we got pretty good pictures of the bear. I SWEAR the bear looked both ways before crossing the road, and it crossed right in front of us. Not afraid, not one bit.

The moose was a little more skiddish, and I’m a crappy wildlife photographer. My camera doesn’t zoom particularly well, but can’t have everything.